Project: NUSearch

NUSearch is a desktop application used for consolidating NUS professors, teaching assistants (TAs) and students’ profiles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, it has a GUI created with JavaFX, and is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Favourite Feature
  • What it does: Allows a user to favourite a person.
  • Justification: This feature allows the user to keep track of persons which profiles they want to view on a more often basis.
Unfavourite Feature
  • What it does: Allows a user to unfavourite a person.
  • Justification: This feature allows the user to remove a person from their favourite list.
Code contributed

fry's RepoSense link

Project management
  • Created team organization, team repository, and set up repository with MarkBind and Codecov
  • Created milestones (v1.1, v1.2, v1.3, v1.3b & v1.4)
  • Added a total of 45 issues for all milestones. Click here to view the issues.
  • Assigned issues(tasks) to team members for all milestones.
  • Filtered out and labelled all PE-D bug reports with the labels "bug.mustFix", "bug.goodToFix", "bug.duplicate", "bug.wontFix", "bug.notAllowedToFix", required for bug triaging and submission for v1.4.
Enhancements to existing features
  • Add a favourite tag to a person's person card in the UI to indicate that this person is favourited by the user.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug where the ParseException is not thrown when parsing invalid contacts and courses.
  • Fixed a bug where the favourite tag is not displayed immediately after the user favourites the person.
  • Fixed a bug where invalid add command format does not throw an error message.
  • User Guide:
    • Added section - A guide to reading each command
    • Added section - Clearing the person list: clear
    • Created the structure for the section - Features
    • Formatted the heading levels and order of the sections
    • Created command summary table
  • Developer Guide:
    • Add content page
    • Edited the class diagram for Storage.
    • Added implementation of the delete, favourite, and unfavourite features
    • Added proposed implementation of the edit feature
    • Added product scope
    • Added user stories
Team Tasks
  • Set up team organization and repository
  • Updated AboutUs
  • Updated Developer Guide
  • Updated User Guide
  • Maintained issue tracker
  • PRs reviewed:
    • team member's PRs in v1.1
    • team member's PRs in v1.2
    • team member's PRs in v1.3
    • team member's PRs in v1.3b
    • team member's PRs in v1.4