Project: NUSearch

NUSearch is a desktop application used for consolidating NUS professors, teaching assistants (TAs) and students’ profiles. The user interacts with it using a CLI, it has a GUI created with JavaFX, and is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Features:
  • Added relevant classes to be used by the Person model:
  • Contact
  • Role
  • Course
  • Tutorial
  • Updated the Person model, as well as all other places in the entire codebase, to use the aforementioned classes instead.
  • Added an autocomplete feature;
    • Allows the user to press Tab to cycle through possible autocompletions.
    • Also changed the UI appropriately to support it.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that arose where new code was written based on outdating code on a newer branch, resulting in compilation failure Pull Requests.
  • Fixed at least 27 bugs related to the User Guide.
    • Most of these are typos.
    • Some of these are grammar mistakes.
    • But a few are pretty large and required rewriting entire sections of the User Guide; see Documentation below.
  • Fixed a bug where roles weren't being saved properly.
  • Fixed a bug where data was not saved upon exiting the app.
  • Fixed a bug with autocomplete where the user could not move the cursor in the text field.
  • Fixed a bug where searchcourse produced the wrong error message if called with no arguments.
Code contributed:
Project Management:
  • Added issues on GitHub to keep track of bugs whenever they appear.
  • User Guide:
    • Added a mockup of the UI created using HTML / CSS.
    • Redesigned the User Guide using various features (boxes, HTML elements) provided by Markbind.
    • General beautification of the User Guide.
    • Ensured User Guide is consistent with the code output.
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added a list of Non-Functional Requirements to the Developer Guide.
    • Updated the UML Guide for Model section with the new attributes assigned to the Model class.
    • Added and formatted the Autocomplete section in the Developer Guide.
    • Added the UML Activity Diagram for Autocomplete section in the Developer Guide.