Project: NUSearch

NUSearch is a desktop address book application used to consolidate the profiles of NUS professors, teaching assistants (TAs) and students. The user interacts with it using a CLI, and it has a GUI created with JavaFX. It is written in Java.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

Feature: Add feature

  • What it does: This feature allows the user to add in a new profile into the list, with only one compulsory field.
  • Justification: This feature facilitates the rapid addition of a new profile by requiring only one mandatory field.

Enhancements to existing features:

  • help feature: Update the help link from the AB3 address book user guide link to NUSearch user guide link.
  • Course class: Change the acceptable course value to follow the NUS course code format instead of allowing all all types of input.
  • UI: Add role tag to a person's person card in the UI to make the role of each person more easily seen by the user.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where when multiple inputs for contacts, courses and tutorials are added, they are being listed as one contact, one course and one tutorial instead of separate entries
  • Fixed a bug where when tutorials are being added, they are not added to the tutorial list but to the course list.
  • Fixed a bug where missing name field in the user input does not show error message.
  • Make Course input value case-insensitive so same course code with different case will be treated the same.
  • Make Name input value case-insensitive so no duplicate name will be added twice.
  • Fix the acceptable value for valid tutorial input so that no symbols, other than hyphen, will be accepted.

Code contributed:

Ong Xiao Wei's RepoSense link

Project management:

  • Added issues on GitHub to keep track of each member's job each week after our weekly meeting.


  • User Guide:
    • Added the Motivation section
    • Added and updated the add feature under the Feature section
    • Updated the help feature under the Feature section
  • Developer Guide:
    • Added a list of glossary to the Glossary section
    • Added the Add feature under Implementation section

Team Tasks:

  • Updated AboutUs
  • Updated UserGuide
  • Updated DeveloperGuide


PRs reviewed:

  • team member's PRs in v1.1
  • team member's PRs in v1.2
  • team member's PRs in v1.3
  • team member's PRs in v1.3b
  • team member's PRs in v1.4